Thursday, July 22, 2010

some favorite qutations

A still more glorious dawn awaits
Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
A morning filled with 400 billion suns
The rising of the milky way
C. Sagan

that which is like unto itself is drawn

"Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux
Et nous nous resterons sur la terre
qui est parfois si jolie "

For we are not fire, not water, not air, not rocks, not thoughts, not deeds, not fear, not love. We are Godly beings.

One eye on the horizon, one eye on the truth... and both eyes watching you

لا تخف عند سماع أي صوت وأنت نائم
فاللصوص لا يحدثون أي ضجة

“Après moi le déluge”

The height of arrogance
is the height of control...
of those who create God
in their own image.

This is the secret that Man holds over the angels: Only the human heart can be broken and whole at once.

When the spirit of Man is dark, when the flow gates of Above seem all but sealed, prepare for liberation.

patience is the mother of virtues..

"do not think about what you don't want,
always think about what you want"

lorsque deux verbes se suivent, le second se met a l'infinitif

“for a bribe doth blind the eyes of the wise, and pervert the words of the righteous.”

"Why has not man a microscopic eye?
For this plain reason:
Man is not a fly!"

"As it is above, so it is below
As it is below, so it is above."

"Men are not equal."

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear to be.
The alchemical moment of transmutation is the moment in which you could kill an enemy but you choose to make him your friend. The alchemical moment of transmutation is the moment when you have an opportunity to slander, to kill, or to belittle a person but you do not. Any time your enemy involves you in his hatred and slander, you lose a precious moment of transmutation. nemies are agents of karma meeting with you for confrontation. You may change confrontation into compensation, into a moment in which you end the vicious circle of karmic occurrences.

Destruction of an enemy is the start of a new cycle of building a horrible karma. This is why, instead of having wars to end the problems of the world, one can use many powerful means to bring transmutation to the hearts of the people.

(Karma & Reincarnation, p.38)

Paris in 1900 - Exposition Universelle [Rare Footage]

test-first entry

testing this blog, this evening of july the 22 2010, jeddah saudi arabia @ 11;40pm